

Mellow, Euphoric High

Much like consuming marijuana-infused edibles, the marijuana tea high is described as a more mellow high than smoking or vaping marijuana. People who consume marijuana tea report feeling mildly euphoric and renewed.


Slow to Kick In

Also similar to edibles, marijuana tea effects don’t kick in right away. They can take half an hour or as long as 90 minutes to appear. This is because rather than being inhaled into the lungs (where the cannabinoids are immediately absorbed into the bloodstream), the tea must go through the digestive tract. Because of this, those who are new it its effects are advised to start with a small amount, as it’s easy to overconsume before the initial effects set in.


Long-Lasting Effects

When smoking marijuana, the effects wear off rather quickly, but marijuana tea can last several hours. This makes it a particularly useful remedy for pain, insomnia, or any condition in which the patient wants to avoid having to take repeated doses throughout the day or night.




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